
Wednesday Family Night 04.15.2020

This week we take a look at Ezekiel 37 and the infamous vision of the valley of dry bones. We find out the answer to God’s question to Ezekiel: “Can these bones live again?” (Spoiler Alert: they can!)

3 simple steps to worship at home this Wednesday

1. Eat pizza if it’ll make it feel more like a regular WFN!
2. Watch The Short Video

At the top of this page you will find a short video with a teaching by Kaleb in the Book of Ezekiel. Just hit the triangle play button in the middle of the video.

3. Use The Discussion Guide

Simply click the button below to view or print the discussion guide. You will find further Bible passages to read, questions, discussion points, and a fun family activity.


We will provide these WFN materials through the end of April, as there’s a lot more goodness to be mined from the Book of Ezekiel! We’re very much looking forward to continuing to celebrate being a church family together on Wednesdays.

Kaleb Sackett

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