Revelation: Peeling back the Curtain; “The Myriad”; Revelation 7:1-8:5
The people of God are distinguished by what they do.
Revelation: Peeling back the Curtain; “Four Horsemen”; Revelation 6
Only evildoers need fear the bringers of judgment.
“A Heritage from the Lord” Psalm 127:3-5
"Children are a blessing from the Lord."
Revelation: Peeling back the Curtain; “The Throne & the Lamb”; Revelation 4-5
Only one is worthy of revealing and enacting the purposes of God for humanity.
Revelation: Peeling back the Curtain; “Seven Churches”; Revelation 2-3
Praise and rebuke are both important in evaluations; we can learn from both.
Revelation: Peeling back the Curtain; “The Revelator”; Revelation 1
Revelation is neither meant to frighten nor confuse.