Revelation: Peeling back the Curtain; “The Myriad”; Revelation 7:1-8:5
The people of God are distinguished by what they do.
A Scroll for Every Season; “Song of Songs: Prayer-Directing”
Prayer is the lifeblood for sustaining relationships.
“No Audience Rquired” Matthew 6:1-18
Do the right thing; do it for God.
Jesus Arrives… Into History; Matthew 1:1-17
Looking at Jesus' genealogy in Matthew 1, we see just how amazing and necessary it was for Christ to enter into human history.
Faithfulness in Exile; Daniel 1-3
Matt Myer, campus minister at KU Campus Christians, shares what it means to be faithful in a context of exile, looking at the story of Daniel.
Don’t Lose Heart; Luke 18:1-8
We answer congregation questions surrounding the topic of prayer.