The Reign: “Death Reigns”; 1 Kings 15-16
Chaos brings death, but stability under the watchful eye of God brings life.
The Reign: “A Bad Start”; 1 Kings 12:25-14:31
Don't make choices that can "lose the game" before it's really got going.
The Reign: “Wisdom to Folly to a Divided Kingdom”; 1 Kings 11:1-12:24
When problems persist, we need to examine the root cause.
The Reign: “Solomon’s Wisdom”; 1 Kings 3-10
If we desire wisdom, we must go to the only source of wisdom.
The Reign: “Solomon Established”; 1 Kings 1-2
God is the one who ultimately establishes kings and kingdoms.
“Going to See the King” Matthew 2
Jesus is the King to be worshipped.