Minor Prophets: Haggai; Glory
Haggai teaches a lazy, self-focused Israel that in order to see God's glory, they need to desire God's presence.
Why Worship? John 4
We worship because we know who is worthy of worship.
Minor Prophets: Zephaniah; Wrath
The seriousness of God is displayed by this prophet; one must either change or face the consequences.
Don’t Lose Heart; Luke 18:1-8
We answer congregation questions surrounding the topic of prayer.
Minor Prophets: Habakkuk; Patience
In this book, the prophet learns an important lesson about patience and faith that those who trust in God must have.
How Do You Identify?; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Matthew 19
Tackling some hard questions, we look at where we should ultimately be placing our identity: in Christ.