Learning to Wrestle; Genesis 32-33 & 35-36
We have to learn how to fully engage in our relationships with God and others, meeting them face to face.
40 Days after the Tomb; Acts 1:1-3
Looking at different pieces of evidence, we investigate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did this crazy event actually happen? If so, what are the implications for our lives?
Tricks Are for Kids; Genesis 29-31
Living by deception and manipulation might net short gains, but ends up being a bad long term strategy.
40 Days of Deprivation; Matthew 4
God shows Israel, Moses, and us how to wait upon God, who is holy, just, and amazingly merciful.
Sibling Rivalry; Genesis 25 & 27-28
Looking at Jacob and Esau, we see a family with quite a bit of dysfunction. The story of these brothers is a tale of caution for people who place their own desires ahead of their relationships.
40 Days as a Sermon Illustration; Ezekiel 4
God shows Israel, Moses, and us how to wait upon God, who is holy, just, and amazingly merciful.