Our Core Beliefs at Wyandotte County Christian Church In Kansas City, KS - Sin and Forgiveness - Romans 3:23 Acts 2:38

Sin and Forgiveness | Romans 3:23, Acts 2:38

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Sermon Time | 44 minutes


This sermon series covers our churches core beliefs.

Genesis 1:27 and Romans 3:23 – Every person was created in the image of God, but all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Acts 2:38 and Matthew 10:32 – Those accepting Christ should repent of sin, publicly acknowledge their faith, and be baptized into Him. 

It is not an easy task to write out a set of core doctrines for a church. It’s important. I think the first time we did it when I came here as a minister was preparing a website. We wanted to write out, okay, what is it that we believe? Let’s have some sort of statement of what is it that we believe. We came up with all kinds of paragraphs and …

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