Spreading The Word Of God
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19 – 20
Missions We Love & Support
We take very seriously the great commission given by Jesus to go into the world, make disciples, baptize people in Jesus’ name, and teach God’s Word.
Wyandotte County Christian Church is dedicated to supporting missions all over the world, from our backyard all the way to the other side of the globe. 20% of our weekly tithes and offerings goes directly to the missions that we support. We have a missions committee that faithfully prays for and manages the financial support for the missionaries and ministers of the gospel that we partner with. Our philosophy is to support and bless a few missions in really large ways.
Local Missions

Campus Christians

God’s Storehouse
God’s Storehouse is our church’s food pantry. All year long, our church receives donations for non-perishable food items. We distribute these items to members of our community during their times of need, whether they go to our church or not.
Contact | Richard Altic or Teri Prochaska

Meal Sign Up
Certain times in life are stressful, such as having a baby or experiencing a death in the family. We like to bless our church family by providing homemade meals during those stressful times. We’d love to have your help!
Contact | Aimee Scott

Ozark Christian Collage

Show-Me Christian Youth Home

Souper Bowl Of Caring
Global Missions

Gospel For Asia

Operation Christmas Child

New International
New International’s mission is to engage, prepare and support people to proclaim Christ and make disciples globally. Their vision is to join with God to restore His dominion on earth, as evidenced by people of all nations: Worshiping God, Experiencing salvation and continuous life transformation, Fulfilling their God-given purpose, Fostering the emergence of Jesus-following communities.
We support Yoha and Amanda Wongnirattisai.

Missionary Couple In South Asia
This young couple has family ties to WCCC and wanted to work in an area of the world where the most unreached people live. For their security we can’t list their names or the exact place of service. They will be training and equipping nationals to extend God’s kingdom by way of multiplying churches.