From Babies To Believers


We are here to support parents, adding to the Biblical teaching our kids receive at home. We want our children to be taught about Jesus and the Bible from an early age, so that they can have a firm foundation to stand on as they grow. Our current children’s Sunday School classes are: Nursery (birth-24 months); 2 & 3-year olds; Pre-K & Kindergarten (4, 5, & 6 year-olds); 1st-2nd grade; 3rd-5th grade; Jr. High (6th-8th grade); and High School (9th-12th grade).

Junior High
Middle School students are in phase of life full of awkwardness, uncertainty, and many questions. They are in a crucial time of life where they start to make choices that will affect the kind of people they will become. At our church, we embrace the awkward. We understand that young teenagers are real people with real concerns. They are old enough to serious conversations, but are young enough to still be impressionable. Our Associate Minister, Kaleb Sackett, works with this group, teaching a weekly Sunday School class and taking the students to multiple conferences and events throughout the year.

High School
Upcoming Events
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30. 03. 2025.
We meet every Sunday at 10:45 am to do in depth study of the Bible. We provide the coffee, tea, snacks, and community. All you have to do is ...
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06. 04. 2025.
We meet every Sunday at 10:45 am to do in depth study of the Bible. We provide the coffee, tea, snacks, and community. All you have to do is ...
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VBS - Vacation Bible School
During the summer, our church hosts a week long Vacation Bible School program in the morning. Any kid from the age of 4 through those going into 6th grade is welcome to attend. Our programs include fun activities and games, crafts, and most importantly, lessons about Jesus and the Bible.

King Solomon Christian Camp
Each Summer we make our way to Solomon, KS to spend time at King Solomon Christian Camp. In June and July, there are camps all the way from Kindergarten to High School. Camp is a great opportunity to step out of our routines, refocus on Christ, and gear up for the work we each have to do back at home! Visit their website for more information or to register.
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