Getting Dealt a Bad Hand; Genesis 4-5
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Sermon Time | 14 minutes
Getting Dealt a Bad Hand, Genesis 4-5
When life doesn’t go our way, we can get bitter, resentful, and take out the competition to get what we want when we want it…or we can try harder and continue to put forth our best. This lesson is displayed in the story of Cain and Abel.
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Matt Myer, campus minister at KU Campus Christians, shares what it means to be faithful in a context of exile, looking at the story of Daniel.
The Prodigal Son; Luke 15
God seeks out all kinds of lost children, welcoming them home.
Sin and Forgiveness | Romans 3:23, Acts 2:38
Click The Arrow Below To Listen Sermon Time | 44 minutes Overview This sermon series covers our churches core beliefs. Genesis 1:27 and Romans 3:23 - Every person was created in the image of God, but all have sinned and fall short of the