This Is the Way: “Raise the Standards”; Titus 1
It's better to raise the bar of excellence than to lower it, especially in church leadership.
This Is the Way: “Pursue True Riches”; 1 Timothy 6:3-21
We need proper attitudes and perspectives with regards to material wealth.
This Is the Way: “Take Care of the Flock”; 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2
Knowing the different situations of people helps us minister to them more effectively.
This Is the Way: “Be an Example”; 1 Timothy 4
Training in godliness helps in every sphere of life.
This Is the Way: “Choose Good Leaders”; 1 Timothy 3
The Church needs leaders who are called, qualified, and faithful to the task.
This Is the Way: “Worship Properly”; 1 Timothy 2
Pointing to God instead of ourselves helps the team.