Beyond The Bible, Episode 2
Dead Sea Scrolls Viewing Time | 11 minutes Overview Kaleb has started a brand new series called "Beyond the Bible" (BTB for short). It tackles a whole bunch of Bible-adjacent topics, looking at the historical context that surrounds the Bible. This week we
Beyond The Bible, Episode 1
Bible Empires Viewing Time | 11 minutes Overview Kaleb has started a brand new series called "Beyond the Bible" (BTB for short). It tackles a whole bunch of Bible-adjacent topics, looking at the historical context that surrounds the Bible. The first week takes
Wednesday Family Night 04.29.2020
This week we wrap up our study in the Book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel has one final, grand vision of the glorious return of God's presence to Israel. This vision has a little of everything: a rebuilt temple, a fathomless river,
Wednesday Family Night 04.22.2020
Have you ever broken something that you thought was completely beyond repair? Tonight, we look at the second half of Ezekiel 37 to see God's amazing plans for restoration and repair for a people that seem too broken to be
Wednesday Family Night 04.15.2020
This week we take a look at Ezekiel 37 and the infamous vision of the valley of dry bones. We find out the answer to God's question to Ezekiel: "Can these bones live again?" (Spoiler Alert: they can!) 3 simple steps
Wednesday Family Night 04.08.2020
We continue our study in Ezekiel by looking at Ezekiel 34. Using the metaphor of sheep and shepherds, God demonstrates how bad Israel's leadership has been, and also provides for some new leadership going forward, a Good Shepherd. 3 simple steps