Minor Prophets: Habakkuk; Patience
In this book, the prophet learns an important lesson about patience and faith that those who trust in God must have.
Minor Prophets: Nahum; Vengeance
Nahum teaches us that bullies always receive their comeuppance, but at whose hands?
Pray for Peace; Psalm 122 and Isaiah 57:1-2
God's plan for his worshippers is secure, even if we die.
Minor Prophets: Micah; Restoration
Micah shows that true, God-led restoration is better than bad patch jobs that don't address real problems.
Every Tongue, Tribe, and Nation; Ephesians 2,3
Special guest speaker Dr. Clarence Miller on the issue of racism.
Minor Prophets: Jonah; Compassion
The Book of Jonah shines a light on the lack of compassion that humans often have towards our enemies.