An Imperishable Inheritance
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Sermon Time | 12 minutes
Faith Under Pressure, 1 Peter
We are kicking off a semester studying 1 and 2 Peter. This series, “Faith Under Pressure”, takes a look at what it means to be a follower of Christ in the midst of difficult times. We kick things off by looking at the Introduction and Thanksgiving in the letter of 1 Peter.
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Finally, Be Strong, Ephesians 6
Wrapping up our Ephesians series, we look at the famous “Armor of God” passage. We learn that there is a powerful spiritual enemy that is not backing down, that there are attributes that we must arm ourselves with (though God
Woe Is Me? Habakkuk 2:6-20
Does God care about the individual, particular circumstances of our lives? Habakkuk wrestles with this question, asking God how a wicked nation like Babylon could possibly overtake Israel, God’s people. God answers Habakkuk graciously, but gives Habakkuk (and us) a
Elders and Rebels | Titus 1
Click The Arrow Below To Listen Sermon Time | 44 minutes Overview Titus 1, Godly Living For An UnGodly World We were watching it (Modern Family) this week and the show immediately began with the different family members. You have at least three different