Connect With Believers

Men's Ministries

Women Of Wyandotte - WOW
The women at WCCC love gathering together, not only to grow in fellowship with one another and with God, but also to serve as Christ taught us to. Our women do numerous activities together, including weekly exercise, Bible Studies, and sharing meals. Some of our women serve as deaconesses, organizing many WCCC’s events and programs. Additionally, 4 times a year, WOW puts on women-only special events where all the ladies get together. In the Winter and Summer, the focus is more on fellowship and community (a big meal, games, a craft, and some worship). In the Fall and Spring, the focus is service, and the women do massive outreach projects together.

Young Adults
Our church has a very healthy, thriving community of adults in their twenties and thirties. We have small groups that meet in the homes of some of our young adults, forming intentional bonds and communities for people of a similar generation, all of whom are seeking to grow in their knowledge of the Word and lead a Christlike lifestyle.

Senior Adults
Upcoming Events
Come Join Us
30. 03. 2025.
We meet every Sunday at 10:45 am to do in depth study of the Bible. We provide the coffee, tea, snacks, and community. All you have to do is ...
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06. 04. 2025.
We meet every Sunday at 10:45 am to do in depth study of the Bible. We provide the coffee, tea, snacks, and community. All you have to do is ...
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